The lost episodes of friends

OMG i just watched the scariest episode of friends ever. basacly, my auntie died of aids and the funeral was sad but funny cuz she was a hoe. my cousin found some lost episodes of friends with hyper realistic blood on them. he fainted and died and his skeleton popped out.
i watched the episodes and they were creepy. basically, chandler was really obsessed with fallout like his real life actor and he got mad when he got rekt by the draugrs cos he was actually playing oblivion. he got mad and beated his wife to a pulp. she got autismo and became a sonic fan. she ran around the world trade centre. ross was a jew and he was mad that monica was wearing copywrited material and he ordered israel really real? to send in planes to those shit up. two hours later and the towers where gone like a black kids dad. he collected all of the coins from the victims by his nose what was like a hoover. this made. joey was mad cuz he hated jews so made the 4th reich and send in troops to kill ross. he needed help so he called in evil rachel to create a drug that grows dicks from your skin. they made it and they accidently injected it in phoebe and dicks started growing out of her skin but it was okay cuz she had dicks on the go and now she can get dick and pussy. they all got mad and fighted each other. joey sent in troops to kill ross but ross ran away with his shekles and layed eggs at the same time whist the korobienki was playing. ross was mad so he crushed chandlers balls with a sledgehammer. hyporealistic blood was everywhere and chandler was screaming. evil rachel and phoebe started tribbing and not too long untill they started playing with their shit, rubbing it with chandlers blood and cum. monica came in with custed creams and she slipped and custed creams where everywhere. blood, shit, shekles and cussted where everywhere.
when i turned around, blood, shit, shekles and cussted where everywhere.
thats why i don't watch anime anymore.